Summer School
International Conference on
Human-Machine Systems,
Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices
Part of the
Advanced Technologies for
Enhanced Quality of Life
Conference Series
This is the third summer school offered through co-sponsorship of the Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Quality of Life Society
(AT-EQUAL) in Iasi, Romania. Previous schools were:
- 2009 International Summer School in Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ISRIS) and the
- 2010 IEEE-RAS/IFFR School of Robotics Science on Social and Cognitive Robotics (SOCORO).
"Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs, and Enhancing Devices” is an avant-garde theme; we expect it to be the subject of intensive debates, and
to generate many novel ideas. We will explore current technologies used to advance the condition of man- by the use of robots, of devices, and
of implants, and we will engage in many discussions and brainstorming on future directions of high interest.
As the name suggests there will be three main topics:
Human-Machine Systems: humans and machines in collaborative relationships
Enhancing Devices: focusing on a next-gen prosthetics, designed to enhance human capabilities
Cyborgs: focusing on true hybrids that fuse living tissue and artificial structures
Each of these themes will be the topic of one day. The other two days will include a school poster session and introduction of student interests
and research topics, lectures on state of the art in Humanoid robotics, Future Robots, Advanced prosthetics, and Ethical and Social
Implications. The social program includes a tour to N. Moldavia monasteries to allow further development of bonds between school students,
setting the basis for future collaborations in international projects.
The order of lectures may suffer changes to accomodate the availability of the speakers, and to allow attending common events with the
HUMASCEND conference. The current allocation is as follows.
Day 1 Robotics and Advanced Prosthetics
- State of the art in robotics
- Humanoid robotics
- Advanced prosthetics
- Panel
Day 2 Human-Machine Systems
- Therapeutic robots
- Assistive and caregiving robots
- Human-computer and human-robot interaction
- Theme discussion and debate
Day 3 Enhancing Devices
- Design and fabrication of miniature assistive devices
- Brain-Machine Interfaces
- Portable devices collecting/processing bio-signals
- Exoskeletons
- Collective emotional intelligence
- Group discussion and brainstorming on enhancing device for Fun/entertainment/edutainment
Day 4 Cyborgs
- Robotic surgery
- Tissue engineering, cell stems, regenerative medicine
- Implant engineering and control
- Theme discussion and debate
Day 5 Social implications
- Ethical and Social implication panel
- A Clinical Psychology Perspective
Social Program including visit of Iasi and tour to N. Moldavia monasteries
Confirmed lecturers and invited speakers:
Raja Chatila, LLAS-CNRS, France
Sukhan Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Karsten Berns, U. Kaiserslautern,Germany
Paolo Fiorini, U. Verona, Italy
Kevin Warwick, U. Reading, UK
Joe Ferguson, CognitiveDevices, USA
Kenji Suzuki, U. Tsukuba, Japan
Bram Vandergorght, Vrije U. Brussel, Belgium
Adriana Tapus, ENSTA-ParisTech, France
Luminita Labusca,Univ Hospital Iasi, Romania
Daniel David, U. Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania
Adrian Stoica, NASA/JPL, USA
Target audience: PhD-level researchers - those currently pursuing the degree, seriously considering, or having completed the PhD and showing
interest in the topics of the school.
Applicants should submit, in PDF, two documents of 1 page each: a resume highlighting experience relevant to the school, and a description
of research interests.
Emails should have the subject :HSS-2012 Application and should be addressed to,,
The school will be limited to 40 students. Please submit your application before March 25th. It is recommended that you submit early -
applications will be reviewed in the order received.
School Directors:
Dr. Adrian Stoica, NASA-JPL, USA ,
Prof. Paolo Fiorini, University of Verona, Italy
Prof. Ioan Doroftei, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Summer School on Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs, and Enhancing Devices
Raja Chatila Sukhan Lee Karsten Berns Paolo Fiorini Kevin Warwick Joe Ferguson
Kenji Suzuki Adriana Tapus Bram Vandergorght Luminita Labusca Daniel David Adrian Stoica