AT-EQUAL 2009, Iasi, Romania .   Related Events ARTIPED Advanced Recuperatory Technologies for Ill, Pregnant, Elderly and Disabled In the AT-EQUAL Series: LAB-RS Learning and Adaptive Behaviors in Robotic Systems ISRIS International Summer School in Robotics and Intelligent Systems AT-EQUAL 2010, Iasi, Romania ARTIPED Advanced Recuperatory Technologies for Ill, Pregnant, Elderly and Disabled REMEDIS Regenerative Medicine (First Eastern European Conference on) ISROS International Symposium on Robotic Surgery PRONEURO NeuroProsthesis SOCORO IEEE/RAS-IFFR Summer School in Robotics Science - Social and Cognitive Robotics International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices HUMASCEND Note: we are consolidating different web hosting options into one archive, and some of the sites above may experience intermittent availability during this transition.                       Part of the Advanced Technologies for              Enhanced Quality of Life                        AT-EQUAL                Conference Series