Program International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, Cyborgs and Enhancing Devices HUMASCEND                       Part of the Advanced Technologies for              Enhanced Quality of Life                        AT-EQUAL                Conference Series Thursday, June 14 Morning: 8:45: Welcome from Organizers:   - Paul Botez ( AT-EQUAL Chair)   - Adrian Stoica and Ioan Doroftei, (HUMASCEND)  - Luminita Labusca (REMEDIS)      - Raja Chatila (Introductory Address - video) 9:00 HUMASCEND Keynote 1 - Kewin Warwick, University of Reading: The Cyborg Experiments 10:00 Break 10:20:  Daniel David, Univ of Cluj, Romania 10:45  Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Alina Hulea, TU Iasi,  Romania: Gnathophonics & Gnathosonics in Smart Prosthetics and Orthodontics 11:10: Bram Vandergorght 11:35: Shigeru Wesugi, Japan: Design approach on human- diminishing devices considered through development of hemiplegic gait simulation device 12:00 Lunch Break 13:30 HN Teodorescu, V, Cojocaru, Biomimetic Chaotic Sensors for Water Salinity Measurements and Conductve Titrimetry 13:50 Vasile Apopei, Romania: A macroprosodic indications for a Romanian TtS system based on the functional intonation system 14:10 Cristian Rotariu, Romania: A wireless Low Power Cardiac Pacemaker for indoor patients monitoring 14:30 Boisteanu: "Intelligent device for noni nvasive  home-based assisted ventilation in chronic respiratory failure" 14:50  Break 15:10 Anna Gruebler, Japan: Social smile sharing analysis from physiological signals using a wearable device 15:30  Joe Ferguson, USA 15:50 Adrian Stoica, USA: Fusing biological signals from multiple individuals 16:10 Celina Silvia Stafie, UMF Iasi,: The Specific Immunotherapy – Can allergy be cured ? 16:50 Borozan, Romania 17:10 Kulcsar, Romania Iasi City Tour Friday June 15 Morning: 9:00 HUMASCEND Keynote 2 - Sukhan Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea 10:00 HUMASCEND Keynote 3 - Karsten Berns, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany : Interaction as basic skill for social robots (HUMASCEND Keynote) 11:00 Coffee Break 11:15 - Kenji Suzuki, Univ of Tsukuba, Japan 11:45 - Adriana Tapus, ENSTA, France 12:15 Lunch Break 13:30  Kaveh Masayekhi,  Biotalentum, Hungary: Systems biology and applications in regenerative medicine (REMEDIS Keynote) 14:00 Interdisciplinary Panel 15:00: Break 15:  REMEDIS TRACK 15:20 Brendon Noble, Regnerative medicine, Suffolk Scotland: Stem Cells in musculoskeletal regeneration 15:40 Robinson, Israel: Treating focal defects of knee cartilage and osteoarthritis with acellular `mesenchymal cells homing` implants 16:00 Gavrilovci, UMF Iasi: Stem cell research ethics 16:20 Mihaela Hnatiuc, Iov Catalin: Romania, Telemedicine and ethics 16:40 Liliana Verestiuc: Biomateriale 17:00 Nacu 17:20 Antoniac: Nano  materials  for inter vertebral disc repair 17:40 Video session 17:40 Gabriel Nistor, California Stem Cell, USA (video and live- internet Q&A) 18:00 Tom Webster, Brown University  USA : Nano materials controlling cell growth (video and live-internet Q&A) 18:20 Norina Consuela Forna, Iasi, Romania: (assisted video presentation) - Update in complex regeneration of dentoalveolar tissue in patients candidate to edentatio 20: 00 Conference Dinner (requires full registration or on-site payment) Saturday, June 16 Morning:  9:00 AT-EQUAL Plenary Paolo Fiorini, University of Verona, Italy: Technology challenges in Robotic Surgery  10:00 Coffee Break 10:20  ARTIPED Sessions   10:20 Paul Botez, "Gr.T.Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania: Hip and knee revision arthroplasty - rules and protocols 10:40 C. Grierosu, P. Botez - "Gr.T.Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania: Correlative study for PMA scoring in a group of Romanian patients submitted to total hip replacement 11:00  Marius Neculaes, Paul Botez -"Gr. T.Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacology of Iasi:The analysis of gravicentre and muscle assessment of patient with total hip arthroplasty- before and after surgery 11:20 M. Gramada(1), J-P. Forthomme(2), P. Botez(1),  (1) "Gr.T.Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania , 2 Departement of Orthopedic Surgery, CHR  Mons, Belgium;Knee Balance:   A Novel Mathematical Model 11:40  R. Bandac, P. Botez  Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania:  Modern principles of treatment in Lisfranc fracture-dislocations 12:00 P. Sarbu 12:20 Munteanu Pro-Neuro Presentations 14:00 I Poeata: Advances in intracranial aneurysm treatment  Bogdan Iliescu, Anca Dabija, Ziyad Faiyad, Sergiu Gaivas, Ion Poeata: The effect on quality of life of preoperative diffusion tensor imaging in patients with eloquent areas lesions Alexandru Chiriac, Ion Poeata: The role of neuroendovascular stent techniques in rehabilitation of neurosurgical patients M. Dabija  C. Popescu, C. Morosanu: The quality of life in a patient with severe trauma and a rare but potentially fatal post- traumatic complication - case report Optional Trip to N. Moldavia monasteries (on request, not included in the registration) Sunday, June 17 Social Program Day Trip to N. Moldavia, together with Summer School Students DRAFT