Sixth International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST-2015)
Information for authors Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers electronically, 6 pages in Conference Publishing Services (CSP) conference format. Publication templates are available for LaTeX and MS Word. The papers will be reviewed for technical merit and content and the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings, to be published by CPS.  Accepted publications are submitted for indexing through INSPEC®.  All CPS conference publications are also submitted for indexing to EI’s Engineering Information Index, Compendex®, (Elsevier), and ISI Thomson’s Scientific and Technical Proceedings®, ISTP®/ISI Proceedings, and Current Contents on Diskette® (ISI Thomson). Please use our OpenConf management system to submit and review conference papers. PRESS HERE TO CONNECT TO OPENCONF
Tentative program below
Tentative Program ==================================================================== Thursday, September 3rd 8:30 Registration 9:00 Keynote 1: Ammar Alkassar, Sirrix AG, Germany 9:50 Break Session 1: Cybersecurity 10:10  Improving System Reliability by Partial Usage of Hash Function Bits and Error Correction Coding 10:35    Fault Detection and Correction in Processing AES Encryption Algorithm 11:00 Forensic acquisitions of WhatsApp data on popular mobile platforms 11:25 Integrating Multi-Modal Cloud Features within a Multi-Dimensional Encryption Space 11:50 Combined image data hiding techniques in a clone resistant SoC environment        12:15 Lunch break Session 2:  National Security Applications 14:00 Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks for Lunar Exploration 14:25 Taxonomy of Impersonation Phenomenon in Authentication Machines for e-Borders 14:50 Securing MEMS based sensor nodes in the Internet of Things 15:15 Break Session 3: Robotics 15:30 Green Drones for Blue Skies 15:55  Assistive Trajectories for human-in-the-loop mobile robotic platforms 16:20 Human-friendly interfaces for control of robot teams 16:45 Invited talk: Tughrul Arslan, U. Edinburgh, UK: Securing mobile and wearable devices with steerable antenna systems 17:30 Panel 1:   What's inside that building?  (Moderator: Gareth Howells) =================================================================== Friday, September 4th 9:00 Keynote 2: Vincent van der Leest, Intrinsic-ID, Netherlands  9:50 Break Session 4: Biometrics 10:10  Facial stereotypes and perceived mental illness 10:35  Stable image registration for people tracking from the sky 11:00 Depth Assisted Palm Region Extraction using the Kinect v2 Sensor 11:25 A Photo-Realistic Generator of Most Expressive and Discriminant Changes in 2D Face Images 12:00- Departure by bus for VW factory tour – lunch box 12:30-14:30 VW factory tour 14:30 return from tour, by bus Session 5: Autonomous cars security 15:00 An Intrusion Detection System Against Black Hole Attacks on the Communication Network of Self- Driving Cars 15:25 Panel 2.  Emerging security technologies for autonomous cars (Moderator, Klaus MDM) 16:30 End of session – end of technical program 18: Conference dinner ==================================================================== Saturday, September 5th        Morning Round table on grants and collaboration opportunities Social program
Information regarding camera-ready Due to various delays we will have a 2 step process.      1.  Upload the revised version to OpenConf, add REV to the name of your file so we know it is the revised version. We will put all papers on USB and distribute at the conference.      2. Post-conference proceedings. Details will follow.